خانه / 2017 (صفحه 2)

بایگانی سالانه: 2017

to evaluate ones actions every night

In the name of Allah It is very important to evaluate ones actions every night of “Chele” (Forty-Day Purification Period). Since it helps to monitor the daily activities and improve oneself to correct mistakes as part of “Takhlie” or “Depletion” Stage. Mohammad Ali Alavi

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Sirat Almostaqim

In the name of Allah “Sirat Almostaqim” or the Balanced-Straight-Path is the shortest path to salvation. It will prevent a person from getting lost in extremes, because it is balanced and the fastest path to the destination. It not a two-direction path, therefore, once a person is on the path, …

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battle of Truth verses Falsehood

In the name of Allah In the battle of Truth verses Falsehood, Satan’s foremen drive majority of people to stupidity and looting and corruption in obtaining self interest by deception and lie through common public. Mohammad Ali Alavi

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The path to salvation of a society

In the name of Allah The path to salvation of a society, according to Guardian Mysticism, is exactly the same as the path of salvation of an individual; which is having connection with the chain of spiritual scholars and religious guardians. Mohammad Ali Alavi

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Improve reason and affections

In the name of Allah When you act according to your leader’s advice while serving him; both your reason and your affections will improve. Your reason (e.g. your logical thinking abilities) and logical talents will improve, because you are doing exactly according to the truth: the statements which the best people …

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The Islamic terminology

In the name of Allah In the Islamic terminology, there are some special terms used to introduce teachers of different levels. If a teacher’s main concern is to alter the student’s behavior; the term Morabee is a proper way to introduce them. If a teacher’s main concern is to improve the …

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