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Introduction to Irfan 2

Theoretical ‘irfan, as said before, is concerned with ontology, and discusses God, the world, and the human being. This aspect of ‘irfan resembles theological philosophy (falsafeh-ye ilahi), which also seeks to describe being. Like theological philosophy, ‘irfan also defines its subject, essential principles and problems, but whereas philosophy relies solely …

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Spiritual Travel

In the name of Allah Seekers during Mogharrabin system and on his spiritual travel develops in human gratefulness,up to a level in which divine attributes will appear inside of him Mohammad Ali Alavi

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In the name of Allah  Velayat means nearness & relationship between two truth consecutively so that there wouldn’t be any gap or obstacle of other kind between them. In this way the guardian diffuses to pupil scientifically & practically. Other meanings of guardianship like friendship, governorship, authority, nearness & so …

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God’s guardianship

In the name of God Mogharrabin mysticism Means connecting to the chain of God’s guardianship & entrance to the doors of GOD’s grace where Allah’s guardianship is the head. The light of guardianship begins from GOD & reaches to the first guardian, the greatest of them, Imam of age. Mohammad …

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Forty Days of Purification

In the name of Allah The most important 40 days of  purification impact is connection, which is made to that innocent Imam whose these days belong. The result is reaching to that innocent position. thinking to an innocent during 40 days will cause the manner of innocence gradually. Innocence means; the …

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Mystic Travel

In the name of Allah During mystic travel, if seeker go under monitoring of a perfect spiritual guide, even he will be moving while sleeping. His soul will be honored by spiritual guide’s grace & knowledge. Mohammad Ali Alavi

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The Flag of Science

In the name of God The assignment of prophet the great, actually is rising the flag of science & knowledge for human-being, reasoning civilization & development after Islam appeared. Mohammad Ali Alavi

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In the name of Allah There is a saying that says; in resurrection, our lady, Zahra -God bless her- will rescue her followers & friends from hell, this is for ordinary believers. In this world she, through an attention, raises specials up to the divine throne Mohammad Ali Alavi

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Purification in forty days

In the name of Allah It is very important to evaluate ones actions (every night of “Chele” (Forty-Day Purification Period Since it helps to monitor the daily activities and .improve oneself to correct mistakes as part of “Takhlie” or “Depletion” Stage Mohammad Ali alavi

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In the name of Allah Guardianship (Veleyat) means being on the route of religion and placing on the way toward God. Domain of guardianship is preservative. It is a drug for all pains, a key to all locks and the world of miracles. Mohammad Ali Alavi

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Human World

In the name of Allah Hatred of human world in eyes of God’s nearest servants & the ones commits suicide differs from each other & are not the same kind. First one refers to knowledge, powerful spirit which itself comes from virtue & loving the after-world & visiting God.The second one comes from ignorance & weakness …

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Pure Wisdom

In the name of Allah Pure wisdom the junction of the two seas & cross of apparently paradoxical meanings. Our appointment is over there. So seeking for spiritual guide, with Moses & by stick of wisdom & intellect we will pass this path, until through connecting to the guardians of …

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