خانه / erfan / Doctrine of erfan-e-mogharrebin

Doctrine of erfan-e-mogharrebin

In the name of Allah

The Guardian’s Mysticism is the most suitable spiritual apprehension path for the most prosperous people who have found the true path to salvation and have reached the destination.

The Guardian’s Mysticism is the Shia’s Pure Wisdom school of thought, which began by the true caliph of Allah, who would enlighten the earth upon his reappearance.

The Guardian’s Mysticism is the central focal point of Mohammadi Pure Islam and the pinnacle of Islam’s teachings that is protected by Allah from any deviation or impurity.

Master Alavi

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The Guardian’s Mysticism Viewpoint

This Guardian’s Mysticism Viewpoint is a result of many years of research performed by the Master in the field of different Eastern and Western mystical school of thoughts to discover the best path to eternal happiness and true salvation, a path that would not be a product of human hallucinations and delusions.

The research was based on rational wisdom, science and logic to evaluate and understand variety of religions and philosophical schools, to compare, reconcile, and differentiate their teachings.

The result of this scientific and practical research resulted in introducing the best and most complete educative systems toward human perfection and maturity that most truth seekers, prophets, and spiritual leaders have been seeking for.

درباره ی alavi

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