خانه / erfan / The Islamic terminology

The Islamic terminology

In the name of Allah

In the Islamic terminology, there are some special terms used to introduce teachers of different levels. If a teacher’s main concern is to alter the student’s behavior; the term Morabee is a proper way to introduce them. If a teacher’s main concern is to improve the logical talents of his students; the term Ostad is a proper way to introduce them. If a teacher’s main concern is to treat the psychological characteristics of his students; the term Peer is a proper way to introduce them. But the term for a teacher who upgrades the sole and is responsibile for the treatment of his students’ hearts ( or Zaat) is devoted only to “the awaited leader” (the Vali-o-allahe-el-aazam) and he is the only one who can create  godlike characteristics in the essence of his special students’ personalities.

درباره ی n.aghdaie

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